OlivierArmstrong's Profile

Joined on Mar 25, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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"*composed again* Sorry, it's just not everyday I hear the b------ is a feline."
"Excuse...I think I'm going to die laughing now..."
"Wait, you're saying Mustang's a cat?"
"*holding back a laugh* What now?"
"@Alana: I'm so sorry, then. I'd never wish stupidity upon anyone.-.-' @Jealousy:Alright then."
"What are you?"
"Heph:You trained your soldier yourself what are yo- I was restationed to Central yesterday. Heph:o.e yikes."
"Don't tell me you've never thought about trying. Just try, dweeb."
"Heph:Evil laugh. *finished paperwork*Finally."
"Heph:Okay then. -.- Computer restarted."
"Heph: Was it anyone I know? *finishing paperwork like a boss*"
"Heph:What's up? Er, correction, I still have a bit of paperwork.-_-"
"Heph:*yawns and stretches* Hey BB. Hello."
"Hey Madid. Heph:*blinks an eye open*Hey.."
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