olivia H's Profile

olivia H
Joined on Aug 15, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
olivia H's Quizzes
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olivia H's Recent Posts
"how long is the plain ride? plane* umm lots of places....."
"kool. thats neat! wait!!! u rlly tracked to Japan? omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"
"thats kool. what do u like 2 write? where do u like. 2 travel? sowwy abt all the q's"
"k. umm I have a couple lol. pinterest discord ask.fm music emojis idk what else lol. and this"
"u 2 fluffy! haha k. awe tysm! f4f?"
"sorry. I did not mean 2 bother u im dong allright. just my stomach hurts im Olivia"
"hi. I love ur name"
"I have not heard of those. r they good and easy?"
"I went swimming"
"kool. what games did ya play?"
"yah same. did ya do anything fun?"
"dats kool. hows ur day goin?"
olivia H's Recent Quiz Comments
"u tried ao hard! thats what matters! loved it:)"