Odds_foxywolf's Profile

Joined on Dec 3, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
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"Of corse not, we support you either way no matter what you want to be, because normally what you want to be is who you actually are,…"
In response to Riverxx:
"Is it wrong for me to want to be a therian..?"
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"I agree, I hate my human self and sometimes just running around on all fours makes me forget that, and u also hate humanity specifically…"
In response to EnnieWilds:
"When I was little I used to being an animal in…"
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"I'm a therian and I can see why the test says that because that fact is true, I honestly like the fact that I'm a therian as well,…"
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"I got scarlet! I love it so much :3"
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"Hi I'm Odds and I've always loved being outside and acting a bit more like an animal, and once I heard of a therian pieces of my puzzle…"