octoberhunter's Profile

Joined on Dec 31, 2011
Status Level: Novice
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octoberhunter's Quizzes
- How Well Do you know Indiana Jones?[published: Dec 31, 2011]
Some say they are Indiana Jones' BIGGEST fan. Are they? You won't know until you take my……
octoberhunter's Recent Posts
"if i could rearrange the alphabet, i'd put you in my pants ;)"
"thanx she's kind of a fair weather friend, & she knows im mad & won't trust her"
"ok so i was dating this guy (ill call him joe) but his friend (ill call him bob) liked me & i liked him a little, 2. so my friend *jane*..."
"and his gf is using him & he has no idea. Were still friends but i think he kinda likes me"
"P.S. he dumped me for another girl like a week and a half later >:l"
"thanks everyone he asked me out & now were dating"
"thanks ill ask him asap"
"Thanks. I was thinking on askin him out, Carri04, but he's really popular, and im just average so i'm kinda scared lol"
"You can count on me like 1 2 3 ill be there and i know when i need it i can count on you like 4 3 2 "
"led zepplin's stairway to heaven"
"Ok so there's this boy in 4 of my classes and he always talks to me, smiles at me, kinda flirts with me, and he said infront of me REALLY lo..."
"I've usually had bf's & i don't have one either its ok life doesn't revolve around boys"
"maybe the mayan's were too lazy to finish!"
"you are an interesting one"
"i think you should get to know him and give it time. I'm going through something like this, too, and i know how confusing it can be. Just gi..."
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