OblivionGhost's Profile

Joined on Jul 21, 2022
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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"George was still flustered, trying to hide it as he burrowed his head into Dream's side. The winged man, jumped up slightly, c"
"That was the last straw and George his his face in Dream's side. "Love you too." Quackity smiled, his wings fluttering happily."
"George whined, blushing deeper. "I do." He mumbled, extremely flustered. Quackity blushed, giggling. "I'm not even worthy of y"
"(I fell asleep, didn't leave again.) George shivered at Dream's low voice, nodding. "Have you heard yourself talk?" He asked, t"
"George's face grew hot with a deep blush. "We-well, you're incredibly strong. You're handsome, and you have a way with words." He knew his c..."
""But you're so amazing. Those eyes, that face-" George sighed, losing himself again to his lover's looks. Quackity smiled. "It"
"George smiled. "So handsome." He whispered, leaning his head against Dream. Quackity nodded. "It does. I mean, no way this is "
"George smiled. "Sure! That seems like a good idea!" He smiled, sighing as he watched Dream. Quackity giggled blushing. "God, c"
"(I love you too!! <33) George smiled softly. "You're so handsome." He whispered quietly, admiring Dream. Quack"
"(I care about you too. I'm glad I'm here too.) George giggled, cuddling against Dream. "It is, my prince." Quacki"
"(You have a point. I just, I don't like that I do this to you sometimes. I never meant to worry you. I didn't know she was gonna take my pho..."
"I'm sorry. I suck as a person. I scared you..."
"Oh, Blizz, how I regret worrying you. I wish I didn't. Do you know how much I hate myself for scaring you and hurting you?"
"Gonna just pop in to say hi"
"Falls off bridge..."
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