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Not Fluffy
Joined on Dec 19, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
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"*sobs* *runs out of gtq*"
"*lip quiver* *runs out*"
"Well Taiwan, she was the one making us upset. She and Vegekaka were calling my sister black and fat. They are racist hat loveing soap geeks"
"*gasp* We must not let her listen in on our conversation!"
"Yes, let us do so"
"Yes yes, quite confusing"
"She must be an enemy of the racist hat lovers"
"That darn Hatshepsut! They are too racist!"
"Nobody Ellis, it's a joke I am fine, are you alright?"
"*hugs* It's alright, why don't we talk in a different thread away from the racist people?"
"Hello, I am Not Fluffy"
"*gasp* Racist!"
"What is this hat you keep speaking of, and what is it on?"
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