Not A Puppet's Profile

Not A Puppet
Joined on Mar 12, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Not A Puppet's Recent Posts
"I'll appreciate it."
"Because it's unbelievably sad that you're still responding in this thread."
"The fact that your dad is a cop has nothing to do with all of this. You're feeding the troll, and you're making your own situation worse. Do..."
"Stop responding to the troll."
"Do not own a PC..."
"Le1F is always marking non-offensive posts offensive. They're get extremely butthurt when you "insult" them."
"You say you do not care, but you are still here. The Coldest Sun is a lovely person. You assuming I am them is quite flattering."
"The Coldest Sun is able to distinguish what is offensive and what is not. You framing them is just futile."
"You should be asking yourself that."
"Oh boo hoo, and you are an attention hogger who keeps on saying they would leave, but never do. "
"Is anyone aware that Le1F didn't have any spelling errors?!"
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