Nostalgia4you's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
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11-Year Club
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Nostalgia4you's Recent Posts
"Geek is right Cut him some slack geez, sourpuss"
"I'll start Remember when users who call themselves demigods attacked the offbeat forum and everyone was just like wtf is going on? O."
"Hello. This is where you share events, drama, fights, old threads from what you remember. Kind of like a memory thing *ONLY R"
"I did forget some other people Absol heart Appayipyip42 Jade (sick) Anri Heaps more but cbf"
"Sorry I did forget to write a lot of other people relevant to that time period down"
"This was a 2011-2012 to beginning of 2013 time era of GTQ. Lots of juicy drama, not as much cliques and yeah If forgot to add"
"they arent exactly what you would call the "old GTQ users" but they are older than the newbs here today.. Some may still be active, b"
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