North's Profile

Joined on Mar 3, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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North's Recent Posts
"..She's your wife? B-but she's so tiny! 😰"
"The young woman who safeguards my account would like you to know that she says.. "that's bulls---.""
"Oh, dear. Get multiples, then. It can't hurt."
"Simple solution: find another human who loves neediness. Should be fairly easy.. Err, I think?"
"Being needy isn't so bad, sometimes."
"Needed quizzes: 1"
"Pan: *leads her to his bathroom* *it's as long as a f---ing swimming pool* *and already filled with arm water and bubb"
"Adric: *meow* *whines* Whooooo? ~ Rayan: But I'll miss time with you."
"Dammit. Blasted girl knew she could die doing that. *ignores Taylor, kicks East cursing and drags him out of the room with We"
"*touches her forehead* She's sick...she did something stupid again. Did she touch anyone's blood? Lick anyone?"
"West: *color fades, passes out along with East* Hey looky. *stares down at West* Dark: *stand"
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