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Joined on Jun 11, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
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"Your Result: Zeta Tau Alpha 76%
Zeta Tau Alpha is a sorority that tends to be far more popular in the South than elsewhere in the…"
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"What sorority is right for you?
Your Result: Alpha Chi Omega 86%Alpha Chi Omega ("AXO" or "A Chi O") is a sorority that's…"
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"Your Result: Kappa Delta 77%
Kappa Delta ("KDs") might be considered an up-and-coming sorority, one that has risen to the top-tier…"
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"What sorority is right for you?
Your Result: Delta Zeta 84%Delta Zeta (DZ) girls are generally considered approachable and…"
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"Your Result: Chi Omega 90%
"Chi Os", as they are sometimes called, like to cultivate an image of being "good girls", something…"
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"Your Result: Alpha Phi 90%
Alpha Phi girls are generally known to be partiers, who like to drink and have a good time. Their…"
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"What sorority is right for you?
Your Result: Delta Delta Delta 84%Delta Delta Delta ("Tri-Delts") have a national reputation.…"
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"Your Result: Pi Beta Phi 84%
Pi Beta Phi girls ("Pi Phis"), considered by most to be "top-tier," nevertheless have a widespread…"