NoobsMustDie's Profile

Joined on May 27, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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NoobsMustDie's Recent Posts
"No really? :O I never said I was new."
"They are second accounts, Jade. It's pretty obvious."
"Alright then."
"AND I don't hate new users. I hate noobs. Not every newbie is a noob."
"A newbie is not always a noob."
"I do hate them but I do teach them as well."
"I ain't a noob :P"
"Never will~"
"Told you they're ignorant bitches. :I"
"It doesn't."
"These things happen every once in a while. Just ignore them and they won't last for more than three days."
"Do us a favor and Kill your self."
"Pff no. I'm 14653278 times awesomer than sb :P"
"That's what I wish for you~"
"Is it Jeff?"
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