nksnow's Profile

Joined on Oct 18, 2010
Status Level: Junior
nksnow's Quizzes
- How well do you know Avatar The Last Airbender?[published: Dec 16, 2011, 8 comments]
Air, Water, Fire, Earth! Do you know Avatar? If you do take this quiz to see how……
- What fruit are you?[published: Dec 14, 2011, 6 comments]
Have you ever wondered what fruit you would be? Probably not. Even if you havn't now you can know. Take this……
- Are you my type? Boys only.[published: Dec 13, 2011, 2 comments]
Everyone has a type or a kind of person that they like more than maybe other people. If you take……
- How crazy are you really?[published: Aug 13, 2011, 5 comments]
There are many crazy people in the world but are you one of them? Possibly. I hope you're not razy……
- What Twilight Character are you?[published: Aug 07, 2011]
Do you think you're, your favorite charcter in Twilight? You may be surprised. Take this quiz……
- How well do you know famous people?[published: Nov 09, 2010]
Some people know celebrities and others know them better. take this quiz to find out f you……
- How well do you know songs?[published: Oct 24, 2010, 2 comments]
Some people know music. Some people don't even know some of the most famous songs. Take this quiz to……
- Are you a good friend?[published: Oct 20, 2010, 2 comments]
A lot of people think they're good friends? Some people are and some arn't. Take this quiz to determine……
- Does your crush like you?[published: Oct 19, 2010, 4 comments]
There are so many people that spend such a long time not knowing if their crush likes them. Now you……
- Who is your greek God/Goddess parent?[published: Oct 18, 2010, 11 comments]
Many people resemble gods but not all of them know it. Take this quiz so you will finally……
- Are you a Hobo or a Genius[published: Jul 13, 2010, 2 comments]
Do you think you are the next Einstien? Do you think you are the next Hobo? Try this quiz to find out……
nksnow's Recent Posts
"Check out my quiz! It's the title of this."
"Do you like greek gods and goddesses?"
nksnow's Recent Quiz Comments
"Love it!"
1 -
"this is horrible. You answer the question in the beginning of the quiz. remember when you say that if you had a crush what is the first…"
1 -
"Love this quiz! I only got 40% but I've only seen maybe 6 episodes so I think I did pretty well."
1 -
"I got in love."
1 -
"I got I don't care. I like him but not like OMG JB!!!!"
1 -
"This quiz stinks! I live in Philly and i got 36%!"
1 -
"93% cool."
1 -
"90%! oh yeah"
1 -
"it worked but only because all of the numbers from 1-5 only have certain outcomes. They could have guessed my number by the third question.…"
1 -
"This quiz is stupid and bad! I would never recomend this quiz to anyone except people who curse like crazy people and it was also bad with…"