Nicole Alexis's Profile
Nicole Alexis
Joined on Dec 14, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
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Nicole Alexis's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got sunny the sanding 74% I guess I really am sweet and optimistic"
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"I am not a boy!! Know that!! So those of that are boys and like being girls, why would you want to be a girl if you were born a boy…"
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"I was a girl at birth and still am! And I love being a girl! So those of you that really were born as a girl at birth, stay a girl!…"
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"I am a girl!! And I got a 33% and I took this STUPID quiz to prove that!"
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"This is stupid"
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"Because I am German!"
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"These are such bad questions of coarse im German! Most my family members on my dad's side and my mom is German too! Just because I got a…"