niall Horan1's Profile
niall Horan1
Joined on Feb 6, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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niall Horan1's Recent Posts
"No I'm on now I was not on yesterday"
"Ok I took her tablet it's Michael now I'm blocking the website"
"I'm baaaacck"
"It was not me I just took her f---ing tablet"
"I took her tablet"
"Savannah get your fat ass off this website and stop insulting my friends or I am going to take your tablet and smash it in to a million f---..."
"Nerdist if I was her I'd look in a mirror and die of laughter"
"Stupid f---ing hillbilly"
"What's wrong girl_almighty can't handle a 9 year old"
"What did those earrings make you deaf."
"Stupid b----"
"I hate everyone that doesn't hate girl_almighty"
"Good luck getting my tablet"
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