Nharzhool's Profile
Joined on Oct 14, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
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"Here I was expecting difficult words...
To rwoo2102, you're both right and wrong. The one spelling is the American spelling, and…"
1 -
"That was hilarious! Anybody that took that seriously has a problem. I laughed unreasonably hard when I saw that I'm apparently a giant…"
1 -
"Sigh...this is as much an intelligence test as an iPhone is a rowboat.
These are nearly all general knowledge questions - half of…"
1 -
"Sigh...this quiz is just as bad as your other one...lemme start:
2 - 1000 + 40 + 1000 + 30 + 1000 + 20 + 1000 + 10 = 4100. I get…"
0 -
"1 - The wording you chose specifically says "divide 50 by half", which means "Divide 50 by half of 50", which is 25. If you had said…"