Neversaynever20's Profile

Joined on Jul 21, 2016
Status Level: Novice
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Neversaynever20's Quizzes
- Do you look like me? (Girls only!)[published: Jul 26, 2016, 1 comment]
The aren't many people in the world who look/dress like me! Do this quiz to find out if you……
- My shout out quiz[published: Jul 22, 2016]
There are many people who know about me, but many do not.This quiz is about me and shout outs! Please do this……
Neversaynever20's Recent Posts
"How can you post urls?"
"[no urls]"
"Wow! XD"
"Which day is Jaggie coming back?"
"How is he poor?"
"Been round the world dont speak the language, but your booty dont need explaining. All I really need to understand is when you talk dirty to..."
"Hi Again."
"Who's N. Me?"
"I already have 6 accounts! :-P there's no need for another one so, sorry, no I won't have the account."
"Good idea. I'm sorry."
"Why does it give you bad memories?"
"I'm not scared of flying! What a weird dislike!"
Neversaynever20's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got 10%!"
1 -
"I got 61%. Oh well..."
1 -
"I got 98%! I can make water move!"