Nesmae_Mayson's Profile
Joined on Dec 12, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Nesmae_Mayson's Recent Posts
"hi I had that happen to me before its a faulty battery"
"its ok so do i"
"oh ok just thought it was :) its nice to meet you to so what are you up to?"
"Hi Marie I would give you my real name but that brings drama so just call me nesmae"
"not much laying down with cramps wide awake"
"well start being honest now and that's what counts. and your welcome its just the truth"
"lol hi unloving"
"me to I created a new account so all the drama and hate wont follow and im starting fresh I wont hate you so atleast you have a friend in m..."
"hi cheese why do you feel hated?"
"hi :) atleast im not the only night owl."
"im coming back for a fresh start hopefully things will be better this time. anyone online this late?"
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