nenah123's Profile
Joined on Nov 25, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
nenah123's Quizzes
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nenah123's Recent Posts
"oh, ok... i get you... *turns away and runs in house, locks the door and sobs"
"hi brian"
"do you... like me???"
"123 brian"
"say 123 if you have a crush then say his/her name"
"do you like him???"
"what level are you on???"
"FUDGE!!! on isle of the lost it reset my level... now i have to restart!!!"
"do you agree???"
"hi made, so that boy does not look bad... at all..."
"hi everybody"
"oh ok"
nenah123's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got 98! i always get higher than 80 on these things!!!!!!"
1 -
"i got a 97!!! that is a yes"