neilemo027's Profile
Joined on Feb 13, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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9-Year Club
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neilemo027's Recent Posts
"these people know nothing about God, I believe in God, so do you. for if not, i wont take anymore heed to help you. we exist in the choice w..."
"you have a point kish. but the God you are pertaining to isnt God! God makes gods=angels. they attain supernatural powers and abilities. as ..."
"a simple question separating what is faith and what is culture. religion is a form of faith which doesnt involve human ideas how to glorify ..."
"here you will know what is lacking and what is sad and happy facts that will add up in understanding on how much do you know about God."
"its not bad doing those. its bad in the minds of man. but for me it doesnt do anything at all . its just a form of expressing yourself on wh..."
"ahm guys dont get mad about satan or the angel with many names. he didnt fail the order of God not even once, he doesnt even opose God. To t..."
"I believe in God, i believe in Jesus. but let me share you guys how to read the bible. Read the Bible with curiousness and dont read it litt..."
"kish loves movies and loves superheroes, his favorite color is green. dude God does exist.. ill share a little secret i know. to give you ba..."
neilemo027's Recent Quiz Comments
"nice. you nailed it. i tried it once with my wife, i predict numbers from 1-10 by predicting what number is she thinking.. and i predict…"