narhacutie's Profile

Joined on Aug 4, 2011
Status Level: Experienced
narhacutie's Quizzes
- Could We Be BFF's?[published: Jun 23, 2012, 1 comment]
So maybe you and me are meant to be bff and maybe we are not. What happens if we are and what happens it were……
- Emo Love Story Part1[published: Dec 15, 2011, 7 comments]
This quiz is not meent to be hurtful to any Emo person. My frand asked me to make a quiz about how she……
- Are You My Type[published: Dec 09, 2011, 1 comment]
Thes quiz is harmless I do not want be to get hurt feelings. Or feel srry for them selfs if u know that u r very……
- falling in love part2[published: Dec 09, 2011, 3 comments]
Falling in love part2 this is mainly about why you are here this story will not he like oh u have powers……
- High school love story part6[published: Dec 09, 2011, 3 comments]
No re cap sorry this is number6 or this series unbelievable. Crazy stuff I haven't been able to……
- 7 Hours in Heaven[published: Sep 10, 2011, 1 comment]
This quiz is 7 hours in heaven there are only 1 or 2 results that are dirty not alot and it does'nt talk about……
- A Test [Please Take][published: Sep 10, 2011, 2 comments]
Ok this quiz was for fun and don't read this, don't read this,don't read it,don't read this .....because……
- High School Love Story Part5 contueind[published: Sep 07, 2011, 4 comments]
Hi guys this is part5 CONTUIEND ok good and i hope you like it i'll give you a re-cap you……
- High School Love Story Part 4[published: Sep 02, 2011, 6 comments]
Ok listen up the name of this quiz is up there ↑↑↑↑↑ now think about that........ part 4……
- Are You My Type? (guys only no gays)[published: Sep 02, 2011, 3 comments]
Do you lay awake at night and think of your dream Girlfrand well stop that i might be the……
- Falling In Love Part 1[published: Sep 01, 2011, 5 comments]
Hi thanks for taking my quiz and so yea ok let me tell you what it is about you are 16 years old and you……
- High School Love Story Part 3[published: Sep 01, 2011, 3 comments]
Wecome to High school any way this is part 3 ok 3 if you did not take 2 or 1 go back because you……
- High School Love Story Part 2[published: Aug 31, 2011, 4 comments]
This is High School love Story Part 2 and i hope you like it it is longer and a little more……
- High School Love Story Part1[published: Aug 30, 2011, 7 comments]
This quiz is about how you just went to this school called Rigewood and u r very happy 2 be going……
- 7 Dirty Minutes In Heaven[published: Aug 30, 2011, 19 comments]
Ok u r about 2 take a Dirty quizzzz well the quiz is not nastyy/Dirty but the results r and plzz……
narhacutie's Recent Posts
"Hmmm so ur together huh?"
"Hmmm so ur together huh?"
"Lavania (the way you say it is like saying la then vain then uh)!"
"I wow ya sound pretty are ya into girls by any chance?"
"I wow ya sound pretty are ya into girls by any chance?"
"I dont have an online one but baby im working on it!"
"Good To Be Back on GoToQuiz!"
"Nonthang 2 do."
"StarStruck - Lady Gaga"
"Kiss and Tell"
"Who Run The World by BEYONCE That song is OMGEE crazy i love it"
"My Name Means Narha -my middle name Cutie -beacuse everyone calls me a cutie even my brother so yea put them 2gether and look at what we hav..."
"Look i'm in 7th grade and when i was in 5th grade i knew this boy named jacob and we were best of frands we would hang out with eachother an..."
"He might just like You and is just 2 scared to tell you are you brave enough 2 tell your feelings to him because if you are tell him how you..."
narhacutie's Recent Quiz Comments
"Wow "
1 -
"Well, Well, Well......."
1 -
"Im bi btw 2 bad ur not!
But ya seem cool."1 -
"Not surpzied to get City Girl i live in the heart of New York City."
1 -
"I re-took it and got a 75%. I think i took this quiz when i was mad or something."
1 -
"ok im back on this story thing and trust me it will get better im going to fix the 1st quiz and then u people could re-take it part2 will…"
1 -
1 -
"I hate doug so rude
Jake Creepy how do u luv me on the 1st day you meeted me?
Kyle is not a jerk just maybe a little to…"
1 -
"K ill work on it"
1 -
"Good quiz"