Mythical Life's Profile

Mythical Life
Joined on Oct 18, 2017
Status Level: Novice
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Mythical Life's Quizzes
- How much do you know about Mythology?[published: Oct 18, 2017]
There are many Mythologies. There are many scholars in knowing these. But how much do you……
Mythical Life's Recent Posts
"Cool. I was new yesterday."
"((Sorry to intrude. but everyone can see your emails. )"
"Yeah I lied and said I was turning it off."
"Hey guys, Mac is really pissed. Like really pissed. She said that she won't be on for a while. I'm sorry to break it to you. She's a few de..."
"I'll get one tomorrow. Unlike McKeenna I don't stay up till midnight ."
"Wait! Discord? That reminds me Mac has it! I'll spam her brb"
"Well I'll look for one"
"Yeah.......She won't answer any of my texts. Well- I'll talk to her at school."
"Sorry ! Here's a new song : [no urls]?v=JPMzRAqrv9o"
"Thanks. Do you have a plot?"
"I don't think so. Maybe!"
"Hi guys."
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