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Joined on Mar 25, 2020
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"Yeah I realized that I liked teaching, but I absolutely hated kids lmao So teaching definitely wasn't for me"
"Oh sweet! I was thinking of doing high school English education, but I decided I wanted to be a vet tech."
"Oh hey Zero, I'm curious to know what you're majoring in!"
"I feel that. People said I looked older than 13 when I was 13, and now people say I look younger than 19 when I tell them I'm 19 lmao"
"I mean, I'm thankful for it at least. I get a lil extra sleep."
"I miss 8th grade lmao"
"Oh, I'm in college. My professors just post what we need to do for the week. The classes are mostly self-guided anyways so we don't really d..."
"Lately, I've been sleeping in until about 12 or 1, so 9 is pretty early lol"
"Ah. I usually have to wake up at 7 for my classes so I'm taking advantage of getting to sleep in."
"12:41 PM at the moment. I woke up at 9."
"It's been alright. Boring mostly. Woke up earlier than normal so I've just been sitting at the computer. No one else at my house is awake ye..."
"Anywayyyyy How has your day been so far?"
"I mean, I thought it was kinda funny xD"
"I would keep the joke going but sadly I'm not funny lmao"
"Ohhh, I see."
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