MuRDeRer's Profile

Joined on Mar 1, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
MuRDeRer's Quizzes
- How random are you?[published: Jun 19, 2015, 4 comments]
There are many random people, but few are true random people. What is a random person? A random person is……
- The london test[published: Jun 12, 2015, 2 comments]
There are lots of people who know a few facts about London, but only a few know lots of facts about London. Are……
- The mathematics test[published: Apr 20, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many people who are good at maths, but only a few are good enough to get the top result in my……
- Are you like Homer Simpson[published: Apr 16, 2015, 1 comment]
There are many people in the world but only a few people are like Homer Simpson. Are you like him?……
- What Type of Demon Are You?[published: Aug 04, 2012, 8 comments]
This is a copy of a quiz I made prior, but that did not link to my account. There are three types of……
- Selena's Quiz 3[published: Apr 02, 2012, 1 comment]
I have an awesome friend- who just happened to have recently shattered my soul into a million pieces, but don't……
- Selena's Quiz 2!!![published: Sep 05, 2011, 3 comments]
This beginning is the same as the first Selena Quiz: This is a quiz that I made for my friendy Selena I hope……
MuRDeRer's Recent Posts
"ThAt CaN Be ArRAnGeD"
"i AM nOT GONe. THerE iZ OnLy OnE MuRDEreR hERe"
"OnLy oNe MurderEr iS herE I WilL KiLL u NOw"
"I hAvE no Problems cOmiTting"
"no thAt would be mE"
"The murdering of GoTOQUiiz"
"I I Don'T know "
"both lolol"
"AS iT waS baD fOuRr tHe soUL"
"i toOk a LonG bReaK fR0m my MurdEring And I aM nOw reFoRMEd"
"wHIch viCtims miSsED me?"
MuRDeRer's Recent Quiz Comments
"This quiz is great, I can't believe i havent seen it until now. 10/10"