MuraRuri's Profile

Joined on Apr 6, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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MuraRuri's Recent Posts
"You ducking call uncle and I'll tell mom about the pills"
"Like I f---ing care"
"There go die"
"No I'm not f---ing getting off your account it's way too much fun to much fun to make all your friends even more depressed, like wtf Simms S..."
"Eh Yayyyy"
"Yeah you are Eh you?"
"Cx ummm ok"
"How thy funny ?"
"No I still have a Facebook....."
"I would f---ing rip her guts out if she wasn't in Oregon"
"Do you have any idea who the f--- started this"
"I'm not dead, i think, idk but wtf seariously people what is your problem"
"Thank you It seems like your taking this as a joke or a roleplay I assure you this is 100% real i know its a h"
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