Mr Smithers's Profile

Mr Smithers
Joined on Mar 11, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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Mr Smithers's Recent Posts
"Yes, a pink one please."
"OK, if it puts Mr Burns' mind at rest. And I'm not a child Dr Hibbert, you don't have to offer me a lollipop."
"I suppose it's nice to know he cares."
"Oh? What kind of tests?"
"*laughs* Yeah. Well I'll just be going then. Thankyou for your time."
"A minor cold. Well, um, you know he over exaggerates a lot."
"Oh.. Yes Sir."
"I'm actually feeling ok now, sir."
"Oh yeah, you better go. Bye Lisa!"
"Well.. You see I have feelings for someone... But it's complicated."
"You can call me Waylon. I was hoping to talk to Reverend Lovejoy, only he's not in today."
"I.. like that flavor."
"Yes I'd like that Lisa :) Hey I was thinking of getting some pink ice cream if you want some? "
"I'm not. Not really... It's complicated."
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