Mourning's Profile

Joined on Sep 20, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Mourning's Quizzes
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Mourning's Recent Posts
"we need 2 rebel and eat roland"
"If u screw up the camarilla will come and eat u"
"but ur asking humans 4 blood what if they ask questins"
"i feel like ur not being careful"
"nap time"
"there gay is posted 😏"
"Ill post gay"
"lol i donr have that problem so thread is mine"
"do I mean literally, figuratively, or sexually ? who knows"
"passing out is lame i have ppl to eat"
"wait did I pass out"
"gotta be awake to fight a b---- tho"
"sleep sounds nice"
"morning lol"
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