Mothman's Profile

Joined on Oct 7, 2019
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
5-Year Club
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Mothman's Recent Posts
"It’s virgina’s you f---ing whore, okay new jersey go f--- yourself, Hi dad"
"you're not Susan"
"Drekk, I care a lot about you. You're an amazing friend, and you meant a lot to me."
"I love u"
"I'm nonbinary and a lesbian"
"I thought everyone on here, other than Drekk was LGBTQ+"
"Uhm you're both wrong. Its mine."
"SAGIRIES Time bound, indigo blooded dense dreamer."
"Alright see you in like 5 minutes dorks."
"Okay homestuck."
"She would lasso a child."
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