Moonstone13's Profile
Joined on Oct 9, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Moonstone13's Quizzes
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Moonstone13's Recent Posts
"It was not on purpose."
"I spammed for a reason."
"Sports19, are you there? Remember that I don't have all day to wait for a reply from you. And why?"
"Me (is awesome)"
"And I want to talk to you about how One Direction sucks."
"I am/"
"But I never even wanted to get along with a Directioner."
"I want to talk about why we aren't going along so well. That's the real thing I want to talk about"
"I hate One Direction."
"And I want to talk about why you're being so rude to me? I understand part of your rudeness came back the One Direction thing,"
"I normally don't trust idiotic Directioners like you, but you seem accurate in shape, Sports19."
"Go to the Dating Forum and I need to talk to you."
"I'm leaving this website so I want you to throw a Farewell party. Something like that."
"Well, we need to talk."
"Sorry everyone for the spam. I needed to get Sports19's attention because I didn't have all day to wait for her. I'll stop since she's here...."
Moonstone13's Recent Quiz Comments
"Ballet. Nice :))"