Momohime's Profile

Joined on May 19, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Momohime's Quizzes
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Momohime's Recent Posts
"Ana: I was born there. :D"
"Ana: Me. :3"
"Fight me? Fine."
"Fangirl says she strangely wants to play this game now..."
"If I knew how to properly fight I'd do it myself..."
"Your status is still 'newbie'. You can't have a picture until you're 'novice'."
"Cut a princess into pieces? Such a noble fighter, aren't you ninja boy? Besides, I could just get Jinkuro to fight you. >:3"
"Unsightly? Look who's talking."
"Cool. This fangirl actually lived in Okinawa when she was a kid. Oh, and the fangirl helped me become a novice by linking her quiz to my acc..."
"Hmph, you're the baka. *folds arms*"
"I speak Japanese, but I have a fangirl translator for English. .3."
":O I didn't know that..."
"o.e *gets hit with rice ball* You shouldn't waste food."
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