momo12's Profile

Joined on Mar 22, 2010
Status Level: Junior
momo12's Quizzes
- The Official Harry Potter 7 Minutes In Heaven[published: Jan 23, 2011, 7 comments]
hi peace muffins draco is super hot right? this is stupid. i hate discriptions i……
momo12's Recent Posts
"ok seriously catherine. live your life and it will come vigorusly. no kidding. "
"I don't know why I really started this but what is your favorite type of BF or GF, mean, nice and gushy, or the kind that you have to work o..."
"anyone who likes me i make a habit of hating them as much as possible. i don't have a type. anyone who respects me and they "
"Jonas Brothers 3D Concert... *shudder*"
"Stewie Patrick Spongebob Squidward Kenny Homer Simpson Itchy & Scratchy Santa's Little "
"younger-1 year older-2 years"
"Love is a breakable thing. I've tried to love before, all that happened was everything fell apart literally. Now I have a shell around me an..."
"peace whatt up suckers guess whhat.......................... listening to a french song they sound so funky "
momo12's Recent Quiz Comments
"draco. HEs hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !1"
1 -
"Your Result: Renesmee
You have a truly childish attitude, and have a great way of expressing yourself. You always let everybody…"
1 -
"This was the Best Sorting Hat Quiz, ever! I've takena lot of sorting hat quizes too."
1 -
"horrible quiz. i got all the answers right and it gave be 90% this sux"
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"im fun! HEAR THAT MOTHER F%$&#@S!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!"
1 -
"Your Result: Out-Going
Your best quality is out-going! People like you because you are fun to be around and no one ever knows what…"
1 -
"horrible quiz. this tells u nothing if your clever."
1 -
"i got best friends which is excactly the way I want it because the tip said that the best relationships are from people who were best…"
1 -
"ive read all of thes books you suck"
1 -
"ummmmmmm. you need to add supernatural stuff. why couldnt i have marryed taylor wahhhhhhhh"