moana's Profile

Joined on Jul 1, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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moana's Recent Posts
"But I am still a Disney princess"
"No I'm a chief"
"I smartened up like you should you idiot"
"Wanting to protect my feet doesn't make me any less independent"
"I live on the sea"
"Silk, like all princess shoes should be"
"Same applies to Queens, you can't change the rules just cause you think you're higher and besides, losing circulation in your feet hurts lik..."
"Or amputated"
"Real disney princesses don't let they're feet get disfigured due to gold shoes"
"Gold and diamond shoes would cut off circulation in your feet causing the need for amputation"
"Oh gosh no"
"Can ya guess who I am"
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