Miyabi Chouda's Profile

Miyabi Chouda
Joined on May 24, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Miyabi Chouda's Recent Posts
"It's the kitty! :D *hugs* Hello, fluffy thing ^-^"
"I wasn't planning on it, but the more I think about it the more I think it's a good idea :O Thanks!"
"I'm planning on making it a "Hear no Evil, See no Evil, Speak no Evil" series. Three demons, siblings, are a few of those to escape. The mai..."
"Battie: Not..numnumnumnum...cute...numnum..."
"Oh, I see x3 Battie: Now wait a second, I- *goes limp* Numnumnumnumnum....."
"Sho? o.o Battie: I refuse to be anyone's pet. I am my own being."
"http:// farm4.staticflickr.com/3424/3219755204_65d1f293f1.jpg If she gives you any trouble, rub her head. She likes that ^-^"
"It was a day like no other. One man, not a day over twenty, stood at the edge of St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. Gun in one hand, k"
"Aw, you're all leaving D:"
"*continues stroking* Such a loud kitty you are."
"*strokes Cheshire's head* Soft and fuzzy x3"
"*stands and awaits the falling of the kitty*"
";~; Well you didn't have to use a bad word..."
"And when it rains? x3 Silly kitty."
"Teehee, Miss Batty stormed out. She said she was done being tormented xD Bats are big 'ole cuties. They're like kitties with "
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