Misuto0309's Profile
Joined on Nov 12, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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Misuto0309's Quizzes
- How much do you know about Soul Eater?[published: Nov 12, 2014]
Hi! Welcome to my first quiz! As should be obvious by the title, this will quiz you on……
Misuto0309's Recent Posts
"Hello random people."
"Oh, it's a thing that happened a long time ago, I don't remember the exact details. Oh, well that might explain the IP if she"
"I told you, I don't know this girl, and I am most definitely not her! I am a nice person who has never met a person named Misty or even hear..."
"Did not work. What does that mean?"
"Can people stop assuming? I don't even know this person. Oh, where does she live? I use a public Wi-Fi, so I don't have a per"
"Is she a grammar nazi as well? I tend to get along with other grammar nazis. I shall do that, once my TV show is over."
"Romanjinization? What?"
"I'm also a grammar nazi, so uh... grammar is pretty important to me. What's an IP address? And shouldn't Misty be capitalized"
"I've had this profile name since I was in 2nd grade on Webkinz but then changed it so Is there no way to change it on here? S"
"XD Wow"
"Wait what I googled it but I don't see the fruit loops thing"
"I don't know what you mean because I only met you twelve days ago. Can you go now?"
"Can you guys just leave? I don't need people accusing me of being someone I'm not. I've always been taught that first impressions were impor..."
"Found one and now I have to use pixlr to put glasses on it"
"I don't know why everyone assumes I'm this girl I don't even know. It's red? I thought it was auburn... I can't tell if my ha"
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