Mistersir7's Profile

Joined on Jun 5, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
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Mistersir7's Recent Quiz Comments
"Its definetly more common for men to be doms and women to be subs, but it can go either way. In my experience, a lot of dominant women…"
In response to Frank Dietzel:
"So playing the girl role is mine"
1 -
"Where does one find a domme woman? Ive looked, I cant find any IRL."
In response to Carey:
"In fantasy i swing from one to the other but in…"
1 -
"I answered Dom but still got sub. So.... I learned something new today. I think Im probably more of a sub/switch though. I'm happy doing…"
In response to subbie 01:
"I did it twice only answering the last question…"