Miss Rabbit's Profile

Miss Rabbit
Joined on Jan 10, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
Miss Rabbit's Quizzes
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Miss Rabbit's Recent Posts
"60 (DEKO)"
"Boa: *just dangles the poor mouse* He looks tasty, yes? .3. ~ Viper! You've finally come to visit me. Oh, how"
"(phantom troupe hA)"
"Hnn.. That's fine. I can live with being called.. *shivers* bunny, even though that's what they refer to my sister as."
"(damn are u trying to make me starve even more)"
"(uh yes I am sO)"
"(bunny lmao xD) B-Bunny?! I'll have you know that I am a rabbit! >:U"
"(ur welcum u scrub thx 2 me u got mcD)"
"(drop honey out a window or I get 2 keep hisoka and illumi for myself)"
"(drOP IT) (sEE??? lmao I laughed so hard when I figured it out xD)"
"jfc no"
"(I really like the username tbh) I'm rich, so I could buy you anything. Are you sure you want dinner? ~ "
"[(\(^o^)/) WELL HEY THERE]"
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