MiSs_CrImInAl's Profile

Joined on Jul 12, 2010
Status Level: Advanced
MiSs_CrImInAl's Quizzes
- What STAR are you?[published: Dec 23, 2011, 1 comment]
What is a Star? Is it Britney Spears? Is it Lady Gaga? NO! A Star is an icon. A Star is world wide known. A……
- Are you a REAL punk?[published: Sep 23, 2011, 2 comments]
Jackie is a punk, Judy is a runt They went down to the Mudd Club And they both got drunk Oh-yeah Ja……
- WHAT LED ZEPPELIN SONG ARE YOU?[published: Jun 05, 2011, 3 comments]
LED ZEPPELIN...One of the worlds most famous bands. With Led Zeppelin I in 1968 to the death of……
- Real Punk or Real Poser???[published: Apr 21, 2011]
Punk is now a sell out. Nothing like it's roots. Maybe you're a punk maybe you're not. Lets……
- REALLY HARD ROCK TRIVIA[published: Dec 02, 2010, 4 comments]
This is a pointless random quiz about old rock legends. if you have nothing else to do and want a laugh……
- What LITTLE BRITAIN character are you?[published: Nov 06, 2010]
The British TV comedy show: Little Britain is made up of many little clips. It shows……
- What school of rock character are you like?[published: Jul 07, 2010, 1 comment]
Dewey Finn, Ned Scheebly, Rosaline Mullins, Patty Di Marco & Summer Hathaway!……
MiSs_CrImInAl's Recent Posts
"Take my quiz please: WHAT STAR ARE YOU? Thanks XD"
"thanks musicgirl :)"
"REALLY HARD ROCK TRIVIA can you try my quiz out please?"
"REALLY HARD ROCK TRIVIA can you try out my quiz please? No ones doing it even though I spent ages on it!!! It'"
"bonzo goes to bitburg-Ramones!!!"
"Apparently I have a similar voice to Robert Plant!!! (WHOOP) If i was male I guess I'd either keep my "Robert Plant" voice o"
"Thanks guys :) you've helped alot :) I wish we (my friend and I) were more confident about ourselves!!! Well you guys are so I may just take..."
"What is your bust size? I'm not a pervert I'm just asking around. My friend and I are completely different sizes (which is normal) and we bo..."
"i can play iron man on guitar and keyboard!!! Works suprisingly well on key board :)"
"I'm an ANARCHIST!!!"
"I'm a celebrity get me out of here Loony toons La Ink"
"Bonzo goes to Bitburg aka My brain is hanging upside down!!! LOVE THE RAMONES!!!"
"Don't mind them!!!"
"I hope it's coming from a humour point of view because I think the last line is quite humorous but maybe deeper that we see!!"
MiSs_CrImInAl's Recent Quiz Comments
"I am certainly NOT a dog person! i HAVE a phobia of them!"
2 -
"I'm pretty sure that it was Noah not Moses!"
1 -
"97%!!! NOOOOO! WHY NOT 100?
Just joking, that's a great score, and I get to tend the rabbits now. :)"
1 -
"Where's Dusty Springfield?"
1 -
"You know that you can be overweight and curvy. You're more likely to be an hourglass figure if you're average sized +. Slim and curvy? My…"
1 -
"If you're a virgin then don't try and create things like this, other people can sniff it out easily. Also...dirty, this would only make a…"
1 -
"I already speak French...nevermind."
1 -
"no 1. You spelt video wrong
no 2. I love 50s music so I had to give your quiz a low score"
1 -
"Soooo awful"
1 -
"Such a bad quiz. 0/10"