Mirari Montoire's Profile


Mirari Montoire
Joined on Jun 1, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Mirari Montoire's Recent Posts

  • House of Lamentation
    "Okay so.. It's this way. *she moves to lead them through the forest, alert again now as she listens to nature, confident in her eleme"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she nods slightly at that, relaxing now that they're away from the others* I can do my best.. plants usually listen to me, after all"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she seems to still not quite be relaxed or trusting of the situation, keeping her distance from Lucifer, glancing over when Satan says her ..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she's startled hearing that, remembering her own experience, and moving to back up further away from this all*"
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "Of course not! I'm doing my best, I'm being good and not causing any problems."
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "I'm. I'm not worried. I'm okay. I k-know. It's okay."
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "Oh, um, thank you, Marrow. O-oh, right."
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "I'm not?"
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "I'm not weak. I know I act it but- I'm not. Im an accomplished Alchemist and I know what I'm doing. Sure I'm physically weak A"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she can't even hide her disgust at that, watching Lucifer go, glaring while his back is turned bc she's stillababy-*"
  • Mirari's Room/Thread
    "They get kinda anxious. Also don't touch anything on my vanity or desk- um, maybe you shouldn't touch anything at all- "
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she manages to focus, and looks up at the others, watching quietly still, before moving to get up again, brushing herself off*"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she watches but she's not really hearing anything at the moment, as mentioned before, she's been through a lot and, well, she has processin..."
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she hands the blood to Satan, letting go of his arm afterwards so he can do what he has to do* Careful.. please. Laila"
  • House of Lamentation
    "*she quickly moves to grab Satan's arm, somewhat clinging onto it. If he tries to pull it away she would let go, but she's going to follow a..."

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