Miluj_Me_Vice24's Profile
Joined on Sep 11, 2016
Status Level: Newbie
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8-Year Club
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Miluj_Me_Vice24's Recent Posts
"These are some Czech curses: Kurva Do prdele Zavri hubu"
"I'm not sure what ,,F---" means... But I've heard of the others."
"I've heard of ass, but... ;+**"
"Is ,,dumbasses" a curse?"
"I'm from a different place. I may not know what you mean sometimes."
"What is ,,lied"?"
" But that's not what she said. She said she was British."
"But she said she was British?"
"Oh. Nice to meet you anyway."
"Oh. Okay. Sorry. Can you understand me now? I'm Czech, so I don't know a whole lot about Americans. Nice to meet you. Wait. Are you Czech to..."
"Ahoj! Jmenuji se Xiu! Jsem cesky. Rad vas poznavam!"
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