Miluj_Me_Vice24's Profile

Joined on Sep 11, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
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Miluj_Me_Vice24's Quizzes

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Miluj_Me_Vice24's Recent Posts

  • Jsem novy!
    "These are some Czech curses: Kurva Do prdele Zavri hubu"
  • Jsem novy!
    "I'm not sure what ,,F---" means... But I've heard of the others."
  • Jsem novy!
    "I've heard of ass, but... ;+**"
  • Jsem novy!
    "Is ,,dumbasses" a curse?"
  • Jsem novy!
  • Jsem novy!
    "I'm from a different place. I may not know what you mean sometimes."
  • Jsem novy!
    "What is ,,lied"?"
  • Jsem novy!
    " But that's not what she said. She said she was British."
  • Jsem novy!
    "But she said she was British?"
  • Jsem novy!
    "Oh. Nice to meet you anyway."
  • Jsem novy!
  • Jsem novy!
    "Oh. Okay. Sorry. Can you understand me now? I'm Czech, so I don't know a whole lot about Americans. Nice to meet you. Wait. Are you Czech to..."
  • Jsem novy!
  • Jsem novy!
    "Ahoj! Jmenuji se Xiu! Jsem cesky. Rad vas poznavam!"

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