Midori Ai's Profile

Midori Ai
Joined on Aug 4, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
Midori Ai's Quizzes
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Midori Ai's Recent Posts
"htt p://ww w.go toquiz.c om/poll/religious_beliefs800 Sorry about that before, just take out the spaces. :)"
"[no urls]"
"Okay night Kit sorry bout that btw I'll leave too. Finish up my story and part one of my quiz tomorrow."
"lol hello I'm kinda sleepy but I'm working on part 2 of my one story. I think it may have to wait for tomorrow."
"I put on a video on youtube called Creepy Music Box, and the moment it started playing my left ear closed up and I couldn't hear for a momen..."
"I love fruits basket Kyo is my favorite character :D"
"I love anime, I write a few of my own picture stories and I think they've turned out pretty good :)"
"That's true ILM and sometimes it's a lot of work to devour a whole series lol"
"Bleach is one of my faves"
"Wakeshima Kanon - Kuroi Torikago"
"I like this anime very much ^^"
"Love this video ^^"
"Wakeshima Kanon - Still Doll"
"Wow what mother denys her daughter a notebook to write a story in? lol like Carri04 said I would give you one of my empty ones if I could lo..."
"Wakeshima Kanon - Suna No Oshiro"
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