MidNight123's Profile
Joined on Feb 17, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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10-Year Club
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MidNight123's Recent Posts
"This is for my fan character's song she sings it.Her name Is MidNight Mutent.I wrote this for DogsBuddy: I know how long its "
"Have you seen DogsBuddy?"
"Mine is MidNightMutent"
"Hard one.Buddy, is you're user name on msp dogs BUDDY, or DOGS BUDDY BUDD?"
"See yea later."
"Is there numbers after the dogsbuddy?"
"nope...sorry did not work"
"I'm only staying to talk,but I will not make enymore quizes.OK?"
"Buddy,it did not show up."
"My movie star is MidNightMutent."
"Do you even play movie star?"
"Mine is MidNight200900"
"Do you mean for Movie star?"
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