Midna's Profile

Joined on Sep 18, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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"*raises hand*"
"mE tOo"
"Lyko streached out."
"I kNoW wHaT yOuR tAlKiNg AbOuT bUt I'm JuSt TyPiNg ThIs WaY"
"{Golden Retriever:I brought you a rose,becuase I WUV YOU!} LynxX crossed her legs."
"{ Golden Retriever:I brought you a rose,becuase I WUV YOU!} Omg that captation is SoOoOo CUTE!"
""Yep."Lyko said."
"IgNoRe HeR!"
"(WhErE iS mInE?!?) Tiger's head slowly went down as she stared,ready and waiting for her negative or robot copy."
"(I know. v_v.I just discovered i have telekinesis irl o-o) LynxX held the kids tight and hid behind Beowulf."
"Tiger squinted at them,waiting."
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