Mewtwo's Profile

Joined on Jul 2, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Mewtwo's Quizzes
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Mewtwo's Recent Posts
"Mewtwo Pokemon"
"I'm the Champion of the Elite Four. I can easily enforce this. All it takes is some mind control."
"Yours? You can have it. I have no desire to deal with it. I will."
"I wipe my mind clean of past memories."
"Humans are adorable. I wonder how many pokeballs it would take to catch a nurse? I'll be the first human trainer."
"Nah, that was directed to Maru. My apologies. No. I don't hug bugs. Perfection is not imperfect. I am your pro"
"*levitates a few inches off the ground, crosses my arms, flicks my tail back and forth* Hag."
"*snaps my fingers causing a book to fly at Chris's head*"
"Yes, Mewtwo. I was made to be perfect. A what?"
"Perfect beings such as myself have no need to care for dirt. Feelings? I have no need for "feelings"."
"I am well versed in human. You appear to be what they refer to as a hag."
"*tail twitches in annoyance* Am I to care about that weakling's well being?"
"*glomped* I'll crush you. I still think that's a bribe."
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