maxiipaddd's Profile
Joined on Jun 2, 2020
Status Level: Advanced
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"i wet myself 3 times today accidentally do you guys think i need diapers? i wet myself once infront of my roommate and she said she…"
1 reply2 -
"maybe you should start wearing diapers on car trips"
In response to xDesperateBbyx:
"When I took this, I was in a car stuck in…"
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"test doesnt work, says i need pull ups but i wet and mess several times a day. pull ups leak"
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"you absolutely deserve diapers. you should wear them during the day too. no more toilet use for you."
In response to Candypanda33:
"I'm sorry my mom is making me write this do i…"
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"now my bed is all wet"
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"im laying in bed and i took this quiz. as soon as it said to push, my bladder completely gave out. now im laying in a warm puddle :3"
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"its super irresponsible to tell people to drink 20 bottles of water. that much water in a short time span wi kill you"
In response to Nyee:
"I already have next to no bladder or bowel…"
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"if you cant hold, clearly you do"
In response to Idon tknowwhat:
"So I went to the hospital the psychiatric part…"
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"agender. boom"
In response to Anonymous Idiot:
"Question 9 confused me because Im non binary…"
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"sounds like someone needs diapers"
In response to WeakBladderEvz:
"I got 98% and peed myself and I still am…"