Math god's Profile

Math god
Joined on Jan 19, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Math god's Recent Posts
"Role call."
"Have you indulged in too much of that ambrosia wine?"
"Mortals and their puny ways..."
"What next. Mortals are dying."
"Ah, hello, fellow gods"
"Last thing we need is satan"
"I am perfect, mortal. I thank you for asking."
"Sure. I just require payment."
"I am a being that is immortal - I am a god. The god of math. Algebra, trig, stat- all me."
"You have not yet brought me a sacrifice. I shall not help until I receive one."
"Are you not?"
"Hello, there mortals. May we interact and befriend each other, possibly?"
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