Master of Fyre's Profile

Master of Fyre
Joined on Dec 10, 2014
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Master of Fyre's Recent Posts
"*glances over at you boredly, sighing* Stop that. noooo"
"*too much"
"Not particularly. Sounds like touch of a hassle."
"No, I can't say I have."
"i just killed one cat no i dont cats are loud and annoying"
"Hopefully. Is that so? I'm not really a game sort of person."
"i dont want to date a cat tho"
"Lucky you."
"No, but my power was used. Fyre created the islands. But don't let me bore you. [okie]"
"I am Zineerr. Of course I'm a god, my power was used to create these islands. My blood flows in all the creatures."
"That's unfortunate. It'd be so much easier if you did. *sighs*"
"You need to leave."
"Hm... 'Free reign'? If anything your chance of murdering the citizens has been reduced. I'm a god, not a demon."
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