Marshmallows's Profile

Joined on Dec 20, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Marshmallows's Quizzes
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Marshmallows's Recent Posts
"No you don't stop deceiving the public."
"Proof that I has no life ;-;"
"Don't worry Fatimat! I'll talk to ya! :D"
"Fine then *does fabulous pose* Let's get married XD jk, I'm playing with chu ^^ Hmm, i'll go back to my regular account"
"I am twinny XDDDD *dies* Do you still want to marry me? XD"
"*changes into a rare chocolate chip marshmallow* Are you sure? XD You do know who this is right? :o)"
"I am very paranoid in this account. It seems like everyone wants to eat me. *falls into 1714's mouth*"
"Of me. I assume you are part of a different fandom. Bye then."
"A fan. Not the motor, just a fan in the fandom."
"Are you a fan as well?"
"*draws eyes onto myself* I can see all your moves. Why are you all jealous of 1714 and me? You all want to eat me. Only fans can taste me."
"*shares the love* I love you all."
"*flies onto 1714's head* You got that scums? I got a fan club unlike any of you."
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