Man Of Air's Profile

Man Of Air
Joined on Feb 23, 2015
Status Level: Junior
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10-Year Club
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"Now im gonna pass out."
"He laughed at that. "Thats very good, now dont forget the spins or you will never make it to the Olympics, Never." He laughed and swam into ..."
""Ohh promises. You wont kill every doctor. You wont kill me." He laughed with a sinister laugh. He had noticed he had a guard come up to Gra..."
"Tired. Night. ]"
"Figg walked into the facility. For his next patient, one that he happened to like. She was very much like himself. They were both f---ing cr..."
""I have been sitting next to this fire forever. So if anything I need to cool off." He laughed at her remark and began striping down to his ..."
""Arent we all." He chuckled. "Uhh these batteries should do, they last forever." He told her. "When I had a radio these lasted forever." Or..."
""I get that a lot. You are hot yourself. See im from the south, and when you live on the gulf you tan. How bout a swim?" Alex had asked I se..."
"He noticed his target walk right passed him. "Hello may help you?" he asked her. "I am Jameson, but shh nobody else knows that. Im running f..."
""If you have something to say, say it cause it just means more blush for you. Every time you dont tell me something im gonna make you blush ..."
"Name: Jameson Figg (The Doctor Age:28 Looks: He wears a doctors uniform, He has brown combed over hair, dark blue "
"He was bringing out more batteries as the shelves were not stocked. He got to the shelves and started stocking them with fresh new batteries..."
""Trust me I am a vampire, I know you are blushing. All of your cheeks get filled with warm blood, but dont worry its cute. I dont find a lot..."
""When do I start?" He asked polietly. "Now if you do not mind." She said. "No not at all, The earlier the better." Jameson made a name tag a..."
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