MalfoyPotter_11's Profile

Joined on Jan 16, 2022
Status Level: Novice
MalfoyPotter_11's Quizzes
- How well do you know Harry Potter?[published: Jan 16, 2022, 4 comments]
Whyyyyyyy must I fill this why why why why whyyyyyyyyyy. Well this is a quiz, exactly like……
MalfoyPotter_11's Recent Posts
"I can always hear him sorta muttering and mumbling"
"Hi guys! "
"Its good! My nickname was usually my name"
"Is this thread dead :("
"Who is Cinna"
"Hello everyone!!"
"Never mind"
"Also she is a pureblood"
"Can I join?"
"Name: Jenna Sprout House: Slytherin Gender: Female Appearance: Curly black hair, blue eyes"
"Its just your first name and if you are really that bothered you can ask for a mod"
"Anyone want to do a harry potter roleplay"
MalfoyPotter_11's Recent Quiz Comments
"Thank you for taking my quiz!!"
In response to AudreyMidoriya21:
"You know Harry Potter 100%!
0 -
In response to Lord of the sith:
"Pear, dragon heart string, 14 1/2 inches, hard,…"
1 -
"I got ravenclaw and I'm a Slytherin but fun quiz!"
In response to TheLuminairies:
"I tried this out and I got my house…"
2 -
"Your Result: Luna Lovegood 74%
resultCongrats! You are brave, smart, loyal, strong and determined. You are usually the…"
1 -
"This quiz is so accurate! I got Slytherin and BuzzFeed and the actual Pottermore quiz kept giving me Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. I am…"
1 -
In response to barrelracer:
"What the hell are Dinkeytown and Uptown? I may…"
1 -
"Nice quiz"
1 -
In response to CelestiaRULES:
1 -
"He/She/They said country SIDE, can you read??"
In response to Anime71512:
"Ive lived in the Louisiana country side my whole…"
2 -
"Your Result: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
result"The Puppet Master", thought to be the greatest wizard of…"