Maine's Profile
Joined on Jul 13, 2011
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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Maine's Recent Posts
"I really wish you were the Andrew I thought you were. Because I have a cousin named Andrew and his lastname starts with a D and he would go ..."
"Late post. Oh. I thought you were someone I knew someone who I haven't seen in while. Oh well."
"Andrew you didn't answer my questions please answer them it's really important and I can't say why but please just answer it. If you're not ..."
"Andrew can you please answer the following questions it's really important. Please? 1.) How old are you? 2.) Do you live in Am"
"This is a second account, but not Andy. I made this account because I wanted to talk to him, but there a reason why I didn't want him to see..."
"its not andy but plz tell me if u know anything about him"
"how old is andrew d do u guys know anything about him?"
"hi remrem. can i ask u people something?"
"hi selena"
"hi takos"
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