MadameOfDeath's Profile

Joined on Jun 10, 2011
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
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MadameOfDeath's Quizzes

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MadameOfDeath's Recent Posts

  • Death Poems
    "thanks, im almost done with another one"
  • Death Poems
  • Death Poems
  • Death Poems
    "sure why not :)"
  • Death Poems
    "thank you, i just came up with it"
  • Death Poems
    "The waterfall.. It calls to me. I clinb to the top I see the world as it is. It isn't a place That I want"
  • Death Poems
    "fireprincess1996- cool and im almost finished with mine and im already getting ideas for the next one:) tazia101-thank you and your r"
  • Death Poems
  • Death Poems
    "REMEMBER IM NOT A REAL NEWBIE!!!!!!! Im done until i can create more. I made these over time and it is how i truely feel....let me know what..."
  • Death Poems
    "Why... Should I try Any longer? I am becoming to Weak to hold on to The very few things That keep "
  • Death Poems
    "I know that I Can't ever cry again. I know that everyone feels That i should let my feeling show In order for t"
  • Death Poems
    "The Emptiness.. It tears through me. Nothing can stop it. I feel myself Slipping Off of the bridge "
  • Death Poems
    "Why should I fight Fort something I know I will never have. For I have given up on Love. Love only holds"
  • Death Poems
    "Just so you all know..i am not a real noobie..i am someone on here that created a new account to keep me annonomous..this is my first time p..."
  • Death Poems
    "Death. At the bridge of death There is no sound No people No world Only Darkness. As you f"

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